Dive backplate is the foundation – we will build the rest of our modular BCD on top of it. Depending on your needs, backplates can be made of different materials.
The full range of all TecLine Backplates is available in our catalog.

Our harness will let us carry the equipment on our back and stabilise it underwater. Metal D-Rings help to stow all accessories such as SMBs, backup lights, photo cameras etc.
You can find the full range of TecLine Harnesses in our catalog.

Depending on the amount of gas and gear that we need to take with under water – we will need different amount of gas to manage our buoyancy.
This is the function of a buoyancy compensator – th wing.
The ful range of TecLine Wings is available in our catalog.

There are also several accessories which can help to fine-tune each configuration:
- single-tank adapters
- tank bands for single tanks
- weight pockets
- trim pockets
- backplate softpad protections
- and many others
The full range of TecLine Accessories is available in our catalog.

on the market you can also find many ready-to-use sets. Despite the fact that they are pre-assembled, they still remain fully modular – in case of a need of any further modification – there is no contradiction to play with those configurations 🙂
The full range of TecLine BCD Sets is available in our catalog.